Digital Transformation


Digital transformation is what’s happening to organizations as they adopt new and innovative ways to do business based on technological advances. It’s the process of fundamentally changing something using digital tools and describes adopting technology and—potentially—cultural changes to improve or replace whatever existed before. Digital transformation isn’t a product or solution to be purchased, but it affects everything IT touches in every industry.

[ Digital transformation is the unstoppable forward march of technology. This disruption can come from anywhere, and often seems to come out of nowhere. ]

We feel technology’s absence (or malfunction) more poignantly than its presence. Our world is digital, and we expect technology to work for us, seamlessly. Most of the time it does. Our smart phones carry all the data needed (and more) to be productive all day long—from word processing tools to calendars, home energy notifications to transportation options, and food delivery services to weather forecasts. But it’s when technology doesn’t work for us that we feel its absence the most. Waiting to pay cash at a toll booth because electronic receivers weren’t installed on the highway. Visiting the downtown courthouse for a public record you know should have been available online. Watching conference call technology fail again. That’s why organizations have to invest in technology that serves employees and consumers alike in ways we expect. Clouds, mobile apps, and Stuff-as-a-Service require new types of storage, analytics, automation, and management. One innovation leads to another; new technology leads to process improvements which lead to better products and services. Then customers demand even more improvements because they’ve grown accustomed to certain experiences in our daily lives. Think about it like this:

  • Products, like paper-based records in file cabinets, have become bits and bytes in containers on a cloud; even the file cabinet itself is abstracted and software-defined.
  • Services like hotel experiences and rental cars have been replaced with spare rooms (more on that later) and drivers are summoned by your smartphone.
  • Processes like waterfall workflows have evolved into DevOps practices where teams work iteratively.


3x Organizations that invest in Digital Experience report three times higher revenue growth for the last two fiscal years (3.6%) compared to other organizations in IBM survey (1.2%).


60% of CEOs leading the most financially successful organizations say that “delivering better customer experiences” are among their highest priorities in the next 2 to 3 years”

Our Approach

Digital Design

 We dive deep into the customer journey with our proprietary 3-layer review. Our Deep Journey Mapping process merges the customer journey with your organizational resources (people, process, technology) to provide additional insight into key pain points.

  • The What
  • The How
  • The Why

Design Validation

We utilize Google’s Design Sprint methodology, a simple approach to identifying and validating solutions to even the most complex problems.Using a combination of design thinking and agile philosophy, a Design Sprint is a unique design framework that allows you to answer business-critical questions through research, ideation, rapid prototyping, and testing.

Agile Execution / Technology Consulting

The widening gap between digital and traditional transaction models has reshaped all aspects of daily business. This transformation demands that organizations, governments, design methods, and business models move towards an increasingly agile and open approach. When designing solutions for our clients, we use a holistic approach that encourages a DevOps culture to facilitate agility and scalability.

Our Services

Digital Customer Experience 

An interaction between a user (customer, partner or employee) and an organization that is possible only because of digital technologies.

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Digital Operational Excellence 

Delivers value by understanding the customers want and efficiently driving the internal processes to meet those expectations. 

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Business Innovation

Our business consulting services focus on addressing clients’ key business needs, optimizing their business processes and helping them transform on a global scale.

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